Why Enterprise Content Management Increases Productivity
An enterprise content management system is able to drive productivity improvements through consolidation and digitization of multiple job functions that would normally be disconnected and far less efficient. Reducing clutter and streamlining processes make life much easier for departments to operate.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems bring corporate documentation such as sales, engineering, human resources, vendor communications, accounts payable and accounts receivable, and many other functions to a common platform.
This prevents having to pay for multiple software licenses, requires FAR less use of paper & copiers, accelerates outdated routing practices, improves security, and makes running your business much easier.
Enterprise Content Management Asserts Control over Documents
Every business runs on documents of some sort, but enterprise content management systems organize and digitize that documentation. Doing so makes accessing documents go from a laborious, tedious search to a lightning-fast operation that takes mere seconds instead of minutes or hours.
New documents can be processed into the system, thereby avoiding the requirement to keep large paper archives and byzantine filing systems. Documents can be automatically classified and accessed via an internet browser or installed software.
Additionally, since so many programs already generate documents – such as word processing programs like Microsoft Word or spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel and so on – a content management system allows you to import those digital files directly. You don’t need to print and file.
Invoices can be processed with ease, making accounts payable and accounts receivable so much easier.
You can then transmit any necessary documents to anyone via email, with no need to track down the paper, make copies, and then remit by fax or mail.
By eliminating paper filing systems that take up large amounts of space and requiring information workers to manually locate documents, you eliminate hours and hours of wasted time spent on nonvalue-added tasks.
Eliminate Lost or Misplaced Documents
One of the worst time wasters for information workers is tracking down lost or misplaced documents. Any business that works with a large number of paper documents will lose a great amount of time and productivity to this activity; it can take up almost a quarter of the typical administrative professional’s day in some cases.
There are two primary outcomes: either the document is eventually located in the wrong place or a totally new document has to be generated.
Not so with an enterprise content management system. Documents can be located in seconds, almost like searching for information via a web browser. Lost documents will be a thing of the past and there will be no need for having to regenerate documentation. A digital copy is right there.
Security & Record Retention
Typically, businesses are required to retain sensitive documents for varying periods of time. Additionally, many businesses have many sensitive documents related to Intellectual Property, contracts, engineering drawings or other critical business needs. What happens to this critical information should the business be impacted by fire, tornado, or some other unfortunate event? Often times, businesses can replace equipment, however, they cannot survive the loss of key information vital to their uniqueness.
Enterprise Content Management can provide much-needed security by storing critical documents in the cloud, where it is automatically backed up at multiple locations, thereby ensuring critical information will never be lost.
Automate Document Routing to Streamline Business Processes (Workflow) 
Workflow enables businesses to fully automate standardized business processes.
Users can be instantly notified when new assignments are available and they are instructed on the tasks to be completed before the work step can move forward. Alerts can be triggered when process are not completed in a timely manner.
This translates into proper routing and timely responses, which drives profitability, increases customer service, and enables compliance.
Environmental Benefits
Another incidental benefit is that you can also eliminate paper waste via enterprise content management. Additionally, wear and tear on expensive printers and the use of expensive printer cartridges is dramatically reduced. Environmental consciousness is both morally laudable and good business; you no longer have to pay to have the waste removed or destroyed.
As documentation becomes digitized, an enterprise content management solution can be an invaluable asset in consolidating and streamlining the administration of your company. Given how much productivity is lost to generating, filing and retrieving documentation, you may not be able to afford to not consider one.
If you are ready to step into the world of organized document management, feel free to contact us.